Sequenced Multiplication
with Raku and Perl

by Arne Sommer

Sequenced Multiplication with Raku and Perl

[106] Published 12. December 2020.

This is my response to the Perl Weekly Challenge #090.

Challenge #090.1: DNA Sequence

DNA is a long, chainlike molecule which has two strands twisted into a double helix. The two strands are made up of simpler molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of one of the four nitrogen-containing nucleobases cytosine (C), guanine (G), adenine (A) and thymine (T).


Write a script to print nucleiobase count in the given DNA sequence. Also print the complementary sequence where Thymine (T) on one strand is always facing an adenine (A) and vice versa; guanine (G) is always facing a cytosine (C) and vice versa.

To get the complementary sequence use the following mapping:
T => A
A => T
G => C
C => G

Let us start with the count, which boils down to counting the number of the individual letters in the string:

> my $bag = $dna.comb.Bag;
> ${ say "$_ -> $bag{$_}" });
A -> 14
C -> 18
G -> 13
T -> 22

We turn the string into a list of individual characters (with comb), and turn that list into a «Bag» (with Bag). A «Bag» is a hash-like data structure, where the keys are the values in the input list, and the values are the frequency.

See for an introduction to the «Set», «Bag» and «Mix» hash-like data types.

Let us have a go at a one-liner. (Replace $dna with 'GT…CG' to get a true one-liner.)

> ${ say "$^a -> $^b" });
G -> 13
C -> 18
A -> 14
T -> 22
(True True True True)

The last line is courtesy of REPL, and will go away if we do this in a program. But we can get rid of it with sink:

> sink ${ say "$^a -> $^b" });
T -> 22
C -> 18
A -> 14
G -> 13

See for more information about sink.

Note that the order of the lines is different. We look up keys in a hash-like structure, and Raku gives them in random order. The result is a program that does not give the same output each time we run it - which is bad from a testing perspective.

We can always sort the keys:

> sink ${ say "$^a -> $^b" });
13 -> 14
18 -> 22
A -> C
G -> T

Oops. That sorted the keys and values.

Let us sort the «Bag» instead:

> $dna.comb.Bag.sort({ $^a[0] cmp $^b[0] })>>.say;  # [1]
A => 14
C => 18
G => 13
T => 22

[1] The comparison is done on two key/value pairs. We sort by the key, which is the first item (index zero) in the pairs given to sort.

See for more information about sort.

The say statement is the last one to be executed, so REPL does not add any output for us (and the sink can go away).

The complement sewuence is a matter of search and replace. We can use a hash and map:

> my %complement = ('T' => 'A', 'A' => 'T', 'G' => 'C', 'C' => 'G');  # [1]
> say ${ %complement{$_} }).join;                        # [2]

[1] The mapping.

[2] Replace the individual characters with the complementary one.

This is not the optimal way of doing this, even if we did use map as the name implies - to map from one value to another.

Character transliteration (with the TR/// operator) is more compact:

> say TR/TAGC/ATCG/ with $dna;  # [1]

[1] TR is the non-destructive version of tr///. It does not change $_ (as tr///), but returns the new string. Printing the return value works out here. Note the use of with to set the value of $_ for the attached (prefixed) block.

See for more information about TR///.

See for more information about with.

Then the program. You can supply a custom DNA sequence on the command line, or let the program default to the one given in the challenge.

File: dna-sequence
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($dna

$dna.comb.Bag.sort({ $^a[0] cmp $^b[0] })>>.say;

say TR/TAGC/ATCG/ with $dna;

Running it:

$ ./dna-sequence
A => 14
C => 18
G => 13
T => 22

Good so far... But what about illegal characters?

$ ./dna-sequence 'CAT SCAN'
  => 1
A => 2
C => 2
N => 1
S => 1
T => 1

We can prevent that with e.g. a where clause and a Junction:

File: dna-sequence2
#! /usr/bin/env raku

unit sub MAIN ($dna where $dna.chars > 0 && all($dna.comb) eq ('T' | 'A' | 'G' | 'C')

$dna.comb.Bag.sort({ $^a[0] cmp $^b[0] })>>.say;

say TR/TAGC/ATCG/ with $dna;

Also note the requirement for at least one letter.

Running it:

$ ./dna-sequence2 CATc
  ./dna-sequence2 [<dna>]

A Perl Version

This is straight forward(ish) translation of the Raku version («dna-sequence2»).

File: dna-sequence-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use feature 'say';

my $dna = $ARGV[0]

my %legal = ( G => 1, T => 1, A => 1, C => 1);
my %count;

map { $count{$_}++ } split("", $dna);

for my $key (sort keys %count)
  die "Illegal character $key" unless $legal{$key};  # [1]
  say "$key => " . $count{$key};

$dna =~ tr/TAGC/ATCG/;

say $dna;

[1] The error message given on illegal input can come after the program has printed one or more legal letters, depending on the alphabetical sort order.

Running it gives the same result as the Raku version:

$ ./dna-sequence-perl 
A => 14
C => 18
G => 13
T => 22

Challenge #090.2: Ethiopian Multiplication

You are given two positive numbers $A and $B.

Write a script to demonstrate Ethiopian Multiplication using the given numbers.

The trick is how to set up the loop, as both the initial and last value of $A should be considered for addition to the result.

Here is a traditional loop, with the condition up front:

File: ethiopian-multiplication-while
#! /usr/bin/env raku

subset PositiveInt of Int where * > 0;  # [1]

unit sub MAIN (PositiveInt $A is copy,  # [2]
               PositiveInt $B is copy,

my $result = 0;                         # [3]

while $A != 1                           # [4]
  $result += $B unless $A %% 2;         # [5]

  say ":: $A & $B" if $verbose;         # [6]
  $A = $A div 2;                        # [7]
  $B = $B * 2;                          # [8]

$result += $B unless $A %% 2;           # [5a]

say ":: $A & $B" if $verbose;           # [6a]

say $result;

[1] Only (positive) integers make sense, so the program will protest if we pass it something else (in [2]).

[2] The is copy trait is used so that we can change the values (in [7] and [8]).

[3] We are going to build up the answer here.

[4] As long as we haven't reached 1,

[5] • Add the current $A value to the result, if it satisfies the condition.

[6] • Verbose output, mimicing the explanation.

[7] • Integer division by 2 with div. Any remainder is discarded.

[8] • Update $B accordingly.

The duplicate lines ([5a] and [6a]) are there to ensure that the last pair (where $A == 1) is taken into account.

Running it:

$ ./ethiopian-multiplication-while 14 12

$ ./ethiopian-multiplication-while -v 14 12
:: 14 & 12
:: 7 & 24
:: 3 & 48
:: 1 & 96

We got the same result as the page linked to in the challenge.

Replacing while $A != 1 { … } with repeat { … } until $A == 1; has the same problem (i.e. we must now check the first - or initial - pair manually, before the loop.

The solution: place the check inside the loop:

File: ethiopian-multiplication
#! /usr/bin/env raku

subset PositiveInt of Int where * > 0;

unit sub MAIN (PositiveInt $A is copy, PositiveInt $B is copy, :v(:$verbose));

my $result = 0;

  $result += $B unless $A %% 2;   # [a]
  say ":: $A & $B" if $verbose;

  last if $A == 1;                # [1]
  $A = $A div 2;
  $B = $B * 2;

say $result;

[1] This ensures the the first pair is considerd for addition (in [a]), as well as the last pair - as the check is done after considering that one as well (also in [a]).

Running it:

$ ./ethiopian-multiplication 14 12

$ ./ethiopian-multiplication -v 14 12
:: 14 & 12
:: 7 & 24
:: 3 & 48
:: 1 & 96


This is a straight forward translation of the Raku version.

File: ethiopian-multiplication-perl
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Getopt::Long;

my $verbose = 0;

GetOptions("verbose"  => \$verbose);

my $A = shift(@ARGV) // die 'Please specify $A';
my $B = shift(@ARGV) // die 'Please specify $B';

die '$A: Please specify an integer > 0' unless $A =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/;
die '$B: Please specify an integer > 0' unless $B =~ /^[1-9]\d*$/;

my $result = 0;

while (1)
  $result += $B unless $A % 2 == 0;  # [1]
  say ":: $A & $B" if $verbose;

  last if $A == 1;
  $A = int($A / 2);                  # [2]
  $B = $B * 2;

say $result;

[1] Perl does not have the divisibility operator «%%», so we must check the result. Note that we can write is shorter, as if $A % 2 (and I have done so in the included «ethiopian-multiplication-perl2» program).

[2] Perl does not have the integer division operator «div», but we can force the result to an int manually.

Running it gives the same result as the Raku version:

$ ./ethiopian-multiplication-perl 14 12

$ ./ethiopian-multiplication-perl -v 14 12
:: 14 & 12
:: 7 & 24
:: 3 & 48
:: 1 & 96

And that's it.